Wednesday, May 8, 2013

With automotive technology moving at such a rapid pace, it can be natural to wonder what the cars of the future may look like. However, for those who just can’t wait to see some crazy works of automotive art, the cars of the past can be just as helpful, as they are often the blank canvas for artists and car enthusiasts looking to turn heads, turn a profit, or simply turn an old clunker into a fun project. The following are some of the craziest car mods out there.

mustang pool table 14 Crazy Car Mods
Giving alternate meaning to the phrase “don’t lean on the car,” this replica of a 1965 Mustang was designed specifically to be a pool table. Although the front and rear are reproduced to scale, the middle is shorter, to accommodate the regulation length of a pool table.  With working headlights, chrome accents, and official Ford licensing, this table is the perfect collector’s piece for anyone with $15,000 lying around.


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